By Howard, Jamie on Thursday, 20 March 2025
Category: Central Noble Community School News

District to hold Public Meeting on Proposed Referendum

Central Noble Superintendent Robby Morgan announced this morning that he will host a public meeting for all CN district constituents on the proposed referendum.  The meeting will be held on Wednesday, April 2 from 6-7pm at the Auditorium.  Attendees should enter at Door 16; doors will open at 5:45pm.  Any attendees wishing to speak must sign-in prior to the start of the meeting at the entrance.  The agenda is as follows:

The Central Noble Community School Corporation with hold a public meeting to present information on the proposed referendum, along with a section of Q&A following the presentation. 
School Board members may be in attendance and receiving information on official business.
Approx. 6:00-6:30pm
I.               Welcome & Introductions
II.             Presentation of Facts on Proposed Referendum
Approx. 6:30-7:00pm
III.            Audience Q&A
Persons who wish to address the panel for Q&A shall:
  1. Have signed in on the provided sheet prior to the start of the public meeting,
  2. Will be called upon by the panel to speak in the order in which they have signed in,
  3. May pass their turn should questions be answered during the presentation, and
  4. Shall limit their comments to three (3) minutes to accommodate all participants.
Shall the allowed time of Q&A be exhausted before all participants speak, contact information will be provided to them at the conclusion of the public meeting to connect with the panel at a later time.

To view FAQ's on the proposed referendum, please visit:
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