The newest edition of the Cat Tracks newsletter is now live and full of information for you to begin the new school year. Click Here to check out the school calendar, learn back to school night times and other important information to prepare.
CN Families,
Due to a water main break in Albion, all students in grades 3 through 12 will be released at noon today, Tuesday, May 23. Students will be dismissed and bussed home per their normal afternoon schedules.
As this only effects our Albion Campus, CN Primary students will be dismissed as normal later this afternoon.
Thank you for your patience and understanding.
FinalForms saves your information from season to season and year to year and auto-populates information wherever possible, so you never have to enter the same information twice for your student. You will be required to sign forms and review your information once per year and may update information at any time.
Parents for ALL athletes are required to use FinalForms. Please register at: and follow the prompts to create an account, add your student athlete and sign your forms. If you need help, you can find a tutorial here:
We are excited to streamline paperwork and appreciate your part in making this happen for Central Noble!
Should you have any questions, feel free to reach out to the Athletics Office at 260-636-2117.
David Bremer, Athletic Director
CN Families,
As part of the 1003 Flexibility Waiver, Central Noble will be allowed to have the February 23rd closure due to power and internet outages waived as a make up day. Students will NOT be required to make up this day of school.
Additionally, the Central Noble Primary required makeup days for the Virtual Day closures on January 26th and March 10th will be made up in person on Thursday, May 25th and Friday, May 26th. More information on transportation and the schedules for those 2 days will be sent home with your student and/or communicated by Mr. Targgart.
The last day for students in Grades 3-12 will be Tuesday, May 23rd with Graduation on Friday, June 2nd as originally scheduled.
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