CN Hotline
Central Noble encourages acceptance, tolerance, and respect for all students. When you feel hurt or bullied, visit our CN Cares Hotline page.
Central Noble
Community Schools

Welcome Back to School

We are looking forward to students and families returning to the building next week.  Staff has been working hard to create a learning environment that is designed to meet the ever-changing needs of the students and the community.  We have implemented many curricular and facility changes to help enhance the educational experiences of the students.  Class lists and schedules for students can be accessed through the PowerSchool portal.  If you are unable to access the parent portal in PowerSchool, please contact the office staff at your child’s school. 

As we return next week, we will be mask optional for staff and students while in the building.  Due to a federal mandate on public transportation, masks are required on the school bus.  The administration and school board will continue to monitor state and local levels, while evaluating guidance from the CDC, the State Department of Health and the Noble County Department of Health to help inform decision making as we begin the school year.  Central Noble will be contact tracing school exposures and quarantining students who are deemed close contacts.  Quarantine requirements will be similar to last school year.  The biggest change is that vaccinated staff and students (proof required) will not be required to quarantine.   Please be reminded that the department of health mandates quarantines.  If you receive a phone call about quarantines form the nursing or administrative staff, please remember that they are not doing it because they want to, they are doing it because they have to in order to keep kids healthy and in school.  If you would like additional information about the current status of the pandemic, quarantine requirements, vaccines, or symptoms of COVID-19, please go to the Indiana State Department of Health web site at the link below.

If your child is ill, please keep them home.  It is important to keep school exposures to a minimum in order to continue in-person instruction.  If you have a question about whether or not your child should attend school, please keep them home and contact the school office during regular business hours.  Your support through this process appreciated.

Open houses are scheduled for Monday (JSHS - 4:30 to 6:30) and Tuesday (CN Elem and CN Primary – 4:30 to 6:30).  Please plan to make a visit to your child’s school.  Student devices will be distributed to students on the first day of school.  If you wish to purchase insurance on the device, you will be able to do so at the open house.  For families that are unable to attend the open house, there will be insurance paperwork sent home with students on Wednesday.  The insurance paperwork and payment will due back to the school by Friday, August 20.  If families need to make payment arrangements, please contact the school office.

I look forward to your continued support as we begin the school year.  Please contact the building or district administration if you have questions or concerns as we begin the year.

Troy Gaff


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Central Noble encourages acceptance, tolerance, and respect for all students. When you feel hurt or bullied, visit our CN Cares Hotline page.

Corporation Office

  • 260-636-2175
  • 260-636-7918

Jr/Sr High

  • 260-636-2117
  • 260-636-2461


  • 260-636-7538
  • 260-636-7740


  • 260-635-2432
  • 260-635-2372

Central Noble encourages acceptance, tolerance, and respect for all students. When you feel hurt or bullied, visit our CN Cares Hotline page.