Effective immediately, Central Noble Schools will no longer be contact tracing or quarantining students due to COVID exposures. Students who test positive for COVID will be isolated at home for 5 days and will be allowed to return to school on day 6 if symptoms have improved and the student is fever free for 24 hours. All other COVID-specific control measures within the school buidling will be discontinued. If it is the desire of the parent, students will be allowed to wear a mask within the school setting. These changes will help to keep students in the classroom and allow district staff to provide the necessary supports.
We will continue to ask parents to monitor student health PRIOR to students returning to the school environment each day. As was the practice prior to COVID, students who are ill shoudl remain home until fever free for 24 hours. Parents are encouraged to contact the school office when their child is at home with an illness.
I am thankful to be at this point in the pandemic. The last 2 years has been difficult for families, students, staff and the community. The evolving situation and support of the school community has helped us reach this stage. The diligent efforts of the parents, nurses, administrators, teachers and support staff have made this transition possible.
The Indiana Department of Health and the CDC have continued to revise the guidelines to mitigate the impacts of the pandemic. The updated research and medical data has allowed the requirements to evolve over the last 2 years. Recent data has shown that many of the previous mitigation strategies are no longer necessary. At this time, the negative impacts on students greatly outweights the benefits of the strategies. We will continue to work collaboratively with the Noble County Department of Health and the Indiana Department of Health to monitor this ever-changing situation. If you have questions about the changes outlines above, please contact the building or district administration.
Thank you for your continued support of Central Noble Community Schools.
Troy Gaff