Central Noble
Community Schools

Welcome Back Bash

New to the 2024-2025 School Year, Central Noble will host a WELCOME BACK BASH on Tuesday, July 30 from 3:00-7:00pm at the Jr/Sr High (Enter at Door 1).  The WELCOME BACK BASH will replace the hustle and bustle at previous open houses with vendors and organizations available with information to support students and their families to start the new school year successfully.

With this event, Back to School Nights on August  7th (CN Primary, 430-6:30pm) and August 8th (CN Elementary & CN Jr/Sr High, 430-630pm) will be strictly for students to visit their classrooms and meet their teachers and principals.  There will be no additional tables to visit for information, like purchasing tees or asking transportation questions.  Please visit the WELCOME BACK BASH for all the information to be ready for the first student day on Friday, August 9.
Welcome Back Bash

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Central Noble encourages acceptance, tolerance, and respect for all students. When you feel hurt or bullied, visit our CN Cares Hotline page.

Corporation Office

  • 260-636-2175
  • 260-636-7918

Jr/Sr High

  • 260-636-2117
  • 260-636-2461


  • 260-636-7538
  • 260-636-7740


  • 260-635-2432
  • 260-635-2372

Central Noble encourages acceptance, tolerance, and respect for all students. When you feel hurt or bullied, visit our CN Cares Hotline page.