- Have signed in on the provided sheet prior to the start of the public meeting,
- Will be called upon by the panel to speak in the order in which they have signed in,
- May pass their turn should questions be answered during the presentation, and
- Shall limit their comments to three (3) minutes to accommodate all participants.
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1. This is a good thing, I hope we get it.
2. Go for it!
3. Do to the rural nature of our school, we have a difficult time finding highly qualified IA's and when we do find them we train them. I therefore support this waiver.
Comment received from In-Person Information Session:
1. Is there a way to review starting wages to not have to apply each year for a waiver?
2. What are the typical job duties of a para?
3. Where do you find the most need for paras?
4. What are the ratios of paras to students?
Comment received from email submission:
The Ed-Flex waiver #2 application was submitted, with this information on Tuesday, November 12, 2024.
Central Noble Community School Corporation intends to submit a waiver request under the Indiana Ed-Flex Program. Waiver 2 seeks increased flexibility in paraprofessional requirements.
Under current State guidelines, paraprofessionals must meet certain educational and/or assessment requirements upon hiring to provide instructional support. While these standards are important, we believe in greater flexibility in hiring individuals who, while they may not meet all educational benchmarks, possess valuable experience and skills that can significantly contribute to student success. We propose to use this flexibility to allow paraprofessionals with practical experience, specialized training and other relevant competencies to work with students, especially in our district that faces challenges in hiring qualified support staff.
By obtaining this waiver, we anticipate that we will:
1. MAINTAIN SUPPORT FOR STUDENTS by employing paraprofessionals with relevant skills and experiences to provide specialized and targeted support to our at-risk students
2. IMPROVE STUDENT-ADULT RATIOS as we will maintain flexibility in hiring paraprofessionals to support our struggling students
3. RETAIN HIGH-QUALITY STAFF due to relaxed requirements and basing new hires on real-world experiences who are best suited for the position
4. EXPAND INTERVENTION OPPORTUNITIES with more paraprofessionals available in our schools being better equipped to provide timely interventions, improving overall student engagement, learning outcomes and reducing gaps in achievement
Opportunities for Public Comment
We are committed to ensuring all stakeholders have an opportunity to review and provide input on this waiver request. Parents, educators and other interested parties are encouraged to share their thoughts regarding this proposal.
How to Comment:
1. In-Person Information Session
Monday, November 4, 2024 at 5:00-5:30p.m.
CN Admin Office Board Room, 200 E. Main St.
This will include a brief presentation of the waiver proposal and time for open comment from attendees.
2. Written Comment Written comments may be submitted via email to howardj@centralnoble.k12.in.us with Waiver Comment in the subject line or mailed to CNCSC Attn: Jamie Howard 200 E. Main St. Albion, IN 46701 No later than Monday, November 11, 2024
3. Online Feedback An online feedback form (https://forms.gle/61ppndboqfZCzbJVA)
The form will remain open through Monday, November 11, 2024.
All comments received from stakeholders will be carefully reviewed by our district leadership team and considered in the final version of the waiver application. A summary of comments received, as well as district responses to significant concerns or recommendations will be provided in a new blog entry after the November 11 deadline.
Additionally, any member of the public wishing to review the waiver application or the district’s responses to comments may do so by contacting Jamie Howard at howardj@centralnoble.k12.in.us . We encourage all members of the public to participate in this important process. Your feedback is valuable as we work to improve our educational services and support for all students.
Robby Morgan
Superintendent of Schools
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