CN Hotline
Central Noble encourages acceptance, tolerance, and respect for all students. When you feel hurt or bullied, visit our CN Cares Hotline page.
Central Noble
Community Schools

District to hold Public Meeting on Proposed Referendum

Central Noble Superintendent Robby Morgan announced this morning that he will host a public meeting for all CN district constituents on the proposed referendum.  The meeting will be held on Wednesday, April 2 from 6-7pm at the Auditorium.  Attendees should enter at Door 16; doors will open at 5:45pm.  Any attendees wishing to speak must sign-in prior to the start of the meeting at the entrance.  The agenda is as follows:

The Central Noble Community School Corporation with hold a public meeting to present information on the proposed referendum, along with a section of Q&A following the presentation. 
School Board members may be in attendance and receiving information on official business.
Approx. 6:00-6:30pm
I.               Welcome & Introductions
II.             Presentation of Facts on Proposed Referendum
Approx. 6:30-7:00pm
III.            Audience Q&A
Persons who wish to address the panel for Q&A shall:
  1. Have signed in on the provided sheet prior to the start of the public meeting,
  2. Will be called upon by the panel to speak in the order in which they have signed in,
  3. May pass their turn should questions be answered during the presentation, and
  4. Shall limit their comments to three (3) minutes to accommodate all participants.
Shall the allowed time of Q&A be exhausted before all participants speak, contact information will be provided to them at the conclusion of the public meeting to connect with the panel at a later time.

To view FAQ's on the proposed referendum, please visit:

CNCSC Newsletter-February Edition

You can view the Corporation Wide Newsletter for December here:

You can subscribe to receive the newsletter monthly here:

CNCSC Newsletter-December Edition

You can view the Corporation Wide Newsletter for December here:

You can subscribe to receive the newsletter monthly here:

Ed-Flex Waiver-Public Comment

Comments received from Google Form:
1. This is a good thing, I hope we get it.
2. Go for it!
3. Do to the rural nature of our school, we have a difficult time finding highly qualified IA's and when we do find them we train them. I therefore support this waiver.

Comment received from In-Person Information Session:
1. Is there a way to review starting wages to not have to apply each year for a waiver?
2. What are the typical job duties of a para?
3. Where do you find the most need for paras?
4. What are the ratios of paras to students?

Comment received from email submission:

The Ed-Flex waiver #2 application was submitted, with this information on Tuesday, November 12, 2024.

Intent to Apply for Ed-Flex Waiver

Central Noble Community School Corporation intends to submit a waiver request under the Indiana Ed-Flex Program. Waiver 2 seeks increased flexibility in paraprofessional requirements.

Under current State guidelines, paraprofessionals must meet certain educational and/or assessment requirements upon hiring to provide instructional support. While these standards are important, we believe in greater flexibility in hiring individuals who, while they may not meet all educational benchmarks, possess valuable experience and skills that can significantly contribute to student success. We propose to use this flexibility to allow paraprofessionals with practical experience, specialized training and other relevant competencies to work with students, especially in our district that faces challenges in hiring qualified support staff.

By obtaining this waiver, we anticipate that we will:

1. MAINTAIN SUPPORT FOR STUDENTS by employing paraprofessionals with relevant skills and experiences to provide specialized and targeted support to our at-risk students

2. IMPROVE STUDENT-ADULT RATIOS as we will maintain flexibility in hiring paraprofessionals to support our struggling students

3. RETAIN HIGH-QUALITY STAFF due to relaxed requirements and basing new hires on real-world experiences who are best suited for the position

4. EXPAND INTERVENTION OPPORTUNITIES with more paraprofessionals available in our schools being better equipped to provide timely interventions, improving overall student engagement, learning outcomes and reducing gaps in achievement 

Opportunities for Public Comment
We are committed to ensuring all stakeholders have an opportunity to review and provide input on this waiver request. Parents, educators and other interested parties are encouraged to share their thoughts regarding this proposal.

How to Comment:

1. In-Person Information Session
Monday, November 4, 2024 at 5:00-5:30p.m.
CN Admin Office Board Room, 200 E. Main St.
This will include a brief presentation of the waiver proposal and time for open comment from attendees.

2. Written Comment Written comments may be submitted via email to with Waiver Comment in the subject line or mailed to CNCSC Attn: Jamie Howard 200 E. Main St. Albion, IN 46701 No later than Monday, November 11, 2024

3. Online Feedback An online feedback form (
The form will remain open through Monday, November 11, 2024.

All comments received from stakeholders will be carefully reviewed by our district leadership team and considered in the final version of the waiver application. A summary of comments received, as well as district responses to significant concerns or recommendations will be provided in a new blog entry after the November 11 deadline.

Additionally, any member of the public wishing to review the waiver application or the district’s responses to comments may do so by contacting Jamie Howard at . We encourage all members of the public to participate in this important process. Your feedback is valuable as we work to improve our educational services and support for all students.

Robby Morgan
Superintendent of Schools 

Welcome Back Bash

New to the 2024-2025 School Year, Central Noble will host a WELCOME BACK BASH on Tuesday, July 30 from 3:00-7:00pm at the Jr/Sr High (Enter at Door 1).  The WELCOME BACK BASH will replace the hustle and bustle at previous open houses with vendors and organizations available with information to support students and their families to start the new school year successfully.

With this event, Back to School Nights on August  7th (CN Primary, 430-6:30pm) and August 8th (CN Elementary & CN Jr/Sr High, 430-630pm) will be strictly for students to visit their classrooms and meet their teachers and principals.  There will be no additional tables to visit for information, like purchasing tees or asking transportation questions.  Please visit the WELCOME BACK BASH for all the information to be ready for the first student day on Friday, August 9.

FREE Summer Meals

CN Foodservice will serve FREE meals to children 18 & Under, June 3-26. Please visit one of 3 pick-up sites to get a FREE Breakfast & Lunch per child, Monday-Friday. 

CN Jr/Sr High-Door 19

CN Primary-Main Entrance

Merriam Christian Chapel
Main Parking Lot

Please direct any questions to Mary Jessup, Foodservice Director at or by calling 260-636-2175

CN begins Strategic Plan/Climate & Culture Assessment

We want to hear from YOU!

The Central Noble strategic planning initiative is underway, and as a first step in understanding the perspective of the community, we are launching an online survey about our schools and district.  

By participating in this survey, you have the opportunity to share your thoughts and perceptions that will help guide our continuous improvement efforts in the areas of communication, curriculum, safety, belonging, and more. All data collected from this survey is completely anonymous. 

As we plan for our future, your voice is incredibly important. We appreciate your participation!

The survey will remain open through May 3:

In addition to the survey, we are also hosting focus groups to gather your feedback. We would really love for you to attend! To sign up, RSVP here.

Before & After School Care Update

Before & After School care options are officially starting for families in January!  The KidsCare program will begin when students return to school after Winter Break.  If your family was previously signed up, on a wait list or you're interested now, please reach out to the Boys & Girls Club for additional information.  Please also note rates have been reduced for participation!

NEW Spirit Wear Store!

We are excited to offer a NEW online spirit wear store for CN Families & Community members to enjoy all year long!  Use the link below to order items of your choice throughout the school year and support Central Noble!!

Want to see some specific items?  Let us know what you want by emailing:

Thanks and happy shopping CN!

Fees Updates

CNCSC is pleased to announce that due to new Indiana State Law, we will no longer be collecting Textbook or Technology/Device fees.

However, families should be aware that courses such as Dual Credit and A/P for higher education, Band Equipment Rental and option Technology Insurance may still have fees assessed.

Kids Care Program

Central Noble is please to announce a new partnership with the Boys & Girls Club of Elkhart County to offer the Kids Care program beginning with the new school year. Kids Care offers before and after school care for students grades K-6 beginning at 5:30am and after school until 5:30pm.

If your family is interested in participating in the program, please check out the information in the Cat Tracks newsletter by clicking here.

Thank you!

Cat Tracks Newsletter-2023-2024 Edition

CN Families,

The newest edition of the Cat Tracks newsletter is now live and full of information for you to begin the new school year.  Click Here to check out the school calendar, learn back to school night times and other important information to prepare.

Early Dismissal-5/23/23

CN Families,

Due to a water main break in Albion, all students in grades 3 through 12 will be released at noon today, Tuesday, May 23.  Students will be dismissed and bussed home per their normal afternoon schedules.

As this only effects our Albion Campus, CN Primary students will be dismissed as normal later this afternoon.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Make-up Day Information

CN Families,

As part of the 1003 Flexibility Waiver, Central Noble will be allowed to have the February 23rd closure due to power and internet outages waived as a make up day.  Students will NOT be required to make up this day of school.

Additionally, the Central Noble Primary required makeup days for the Virtual Day closures on January 26th and March 10th will be made up in person on Thursday, May 25th and Friday, May 26th.  More information on transportation and the schedules for those 2 days will be sent home with your student and/or communicated by Mr. Targgart.

The last day for students in Grades 3-12 will be Tuesday, May 23rd with Graduation on Friday, June 2nd as originally scheduled.

Kindergarten Round-Up

Kindergarten Roundup is coming soon!
Students age 5 by August 1, 2023 should attend!

Families may attend either March 23rd from 5-7pm or March 24th from 9-11am
Please bring the students: Birth Certificate, Shot Records, Proof of Residency (any bill/statement with current home address) and Social Security Number.

You may direct any questions to the Primary at 260-635-2432

Wellness Committee Meeting

Central Noble Community Schools will host it's annual Wellness Meeting Thursday, March 23, 2023 at 330pm in the Jr/Sr High Schol Cafeteria.  At this meeting the committee will review current policy.  Staff, students, parents and administration are welcome to attend.

Board Meeting Date Change

The October Regular Session Board meeting has been moved from October 17 to October 10.  This meeting will still be held at Central Office at 5:00 p.m.

Family Newsletter

Click the link below to view the current Primary Prowler newsletter

Be sure to check back monthly for the newest editions.

Cat Tracks Newsletter

The latest edition of the Cat Tracks newsletter is now available.  As a reminder, this is an online only publication and is not available for print at our offices.  

Click the link below to view the newsletter for information on Open House, Orientations and more!!
Central Noble encourages acceptance, tolerance, and respect for all students. When you feel hurt or bullied, visit our CN Cares Hotline page.

Corporation Office

  • 260-636-2175
  • 260-636-7918

Jr/Sr High

  • 260-636-2117
  • 260-636-2461


  • 260-636-7538
  • 260-636-7740


  • 260-635-2432
  • 260-635-2372

Central Noble encourages acceptance, tolerance, and respect for all students. When you feel hurt or bullied, visit our CN Cares Hotline page.