Central Noble
Jr/Sr High School
Upcoming Events
FAFSA Completion Night
Date 03.31.2025 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Archery Practice
03.31.2025 5:30 pm - 8:00 pm
Strategic Plan Staff Launch
04.01.2025 7:30 am - 9:00 am
1st Tuesday Staff Collaboration-2 Hour Delay
04.01.2025 10:00 am - 3:30 pm
  • Jr Sr Building
  • Cn Hs Image02
  • Art Dept Storage
  • Book Display Shelf Unit
  • Cnhs Mascot
  • Petting Zoo 2021
  • Cn Hs Image01
  • Music Quotation
  • Cn Hs Image05
  • Cymbal
  • Elec Piano Keyboard
  • Ffa Banner
  • Hs Gymnasium
  • Cn Hs Image03
  • Industrial Tech Room
  • Testing Books
  • Library Mascot
  • Library
  • Cn Hs Image04
  • Music Genres Table
  • Pinewood Derby Car
  • Trophy Case
School Menus
School Events
Cougar Athletics
Facilities Rental

Kindergarten Round-Up

Kindergarten Roundup is coming soon!
Students age 5 by August 1, 2023 should attend!

Families may attend either March 23rd from 5-7pm or March 24th from 9-11am
Please bring the students: Birth Certificate, Shot Records, Proof of Residency (any bill/statement with current home address) and Social Security Number.

You may direct any questions to the Primary at 260-635-2432
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Board Meeting Date Change

The October Regular Session Board meeting has been moved from October 17 to October 10.  This meeting will still be held at Central Office at 5:00 p.m.
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Immunization Clinic

The Noble County Health Department will be hosting an Immunization Clinic for students who are due or overdue for a State required and/or recommended immunization.  Students will not receive or be offered a COVID immunization.

Families may either register online at https://patients.vaxcare.com/registration and enter code IN17745 or by contacting Nurse Charla at 260-636-2117 for a paper consent form.  You may opt out of any of the vaccines on the consent form.  The immunization clinic is free for any families with Medicaid, no health insurance or insurance that doesn't cover the cost of immunizations. Those with private health insurance will have the cost billed to their insurance company.

Please register no later than September 30 to ensure your student gets caught up on their immunizations.  Below is list of Vaccines:

Grades 6-8
*Tdap (Tetanus/Diptheria/Pertussis)
*MCV4 (Meningococcal ACWY)
*Hepatitis A
*Recommended* HPV (Human Papillomavirus)

Grades 9-12
*MCV4 (Meningococcal ACWY
*Hepatitis A
*Recommended* MenB (Meningococcal B)
*Recommended* HPV (Human Papillomavirus)
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Family Newsletter

Click the link below to view the current Primary Prowler newsletter


Be sure to check back monthly for the newest editions.
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Legal Notice


Pursuant to Indiana Code § 6-1.1-20-5, notice is hereby given that the Board of School Trustees of the Central Noble Community School Corporation has preliminarily determined to issue bonds in the principal amount not to exceed $1,985,000 to fund the proposed renovation of and improvements to school facilities, including equipment, buses and technology.

Dated:  July 27, 2022


Notice is hereby given to the taxpayers of the school corporation known as Central Noble Community School Corporation (the "School Corporation") that the Board of School Trustees (the "Board") of the School Corporation will meet at 200 E. Main St, Albion, Indiana, at the hour of 5:00 p.m. (Local Time) on August 15, 2022, to consider the following additional appropriation of the bonds (the "Bonds") which the Board has determined to issue.  The Board considers such additional appropriation necessary to meet the need existing at this time:

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Cat Tracks Newsletter

The latest edition of the Cat Tracks newsletter is now available.  As a reminder, this is an online only publication and is not available for print at our offices.  

Click the link below to view the newsletter for information on Open House, Orientations and more!!

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Notice of Hearing


Pursuant to Indiana Code § 20-26-7-37, the Board of School Trustees of Central Noble Community School Corporation gives notice that on July 18, 2022, at 5:00 p.m., they will meet in public session at School Administration Offices, 200 E. Main Street, Albion, Indiana, to discuss and hear objections and support regarding the proposed renovation of and improvements to school facilities, including equipment, buses and technology.  You are invited to attend and participate in the public hearing.

Dated: July 6, 2022

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Notice of Public Meeting

Central Noble Community School Corporation
Employing Robby Morgan as Superintendent

On June 20, 2022, at 5:00 p.m. in the Central Noble Community School Corporation Administration Office located at 200 East Main Street, Albion, Indiana, the Board of School Trustees will meet to discuss and hear from the public objections to and support for the proposed contract, which will be effective from:    July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2024


            Annual Base Salary                                                                $100,000.00

            Annual Teacher Retirement Fund Contribution                           8,500.00

            Annual 401(a) Plan Contribution                                                 Potential

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Board Names New Leader

The Central Noble Board of Trustees, along with a nine-member interview team, have selected Mr. Robby Morgan as the new Superintendent of Central Noble Community School Corporation.

Mr. Morgan earned an EdS in School Administration from Indiana State University and a Master's Degree in Educational Leadership from Indiana University.  His undergraduate work was done at Trine University.  He began his teaching career for West Noble Community School Corporation at Ligonier Elementary where he taught 4th Grade for 9 years.  Mr. Morgan spent 3 years as a TOSA/Assistant Principal for Goshen Community Schools and one year as a Middle School Assistant Principal for Prairie Heights Middle School.  Most recently he has served as the Principal at Central Noble Primary School for the past 6 years.

Mr. Morgan stated "I am excited to get a chance to serve the students and entire Central Noble community in a new leadership role.  I look forward to building upon and improving the great things Mr. Gaff brought to the Corporation and couldn't be happier to work with the amazing Central Noble staff members that care so much for the students at CN."

"We are very excited to have Mr. Morgan as the next Superintendent.  He will continue to build on the great things we have going at Central Noble.  With his leadership and the great staff we have, Central Noble Schools will continue to be the excellent school it is," stated Eric Custer, Board President.

The Central Noble Board of Trustees are looking to approve the finalized contract at their June regular session meeting.
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5th Grade Survey

Hello 5th Grade Parents & Guardians!

In an effort to provide a supportive transition from the elementary building to junior high, the CN Elementary staff would like for you to complete a short survey. Please check your email, CN Social Media or the CN Elementary web page for a link to the survey.

This information will help drive the planning and presentation topics for our upcoming parent night on March 24th (more information to come).

We appreciate your input!

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COVID Quarantine & Contact Tracing Update

Superintendent Gaff announces lifting COVID restrictions throughout CN Schools.

Effective immediately, Central Noble Schools will no longer be contact tracing or quarantining students due to COVID exposures.  Students who test positive for COVID will be isolated at home for 5 days and will be allowed to return to school on day 6 if symptoms have improved and the student is fever free for 24 hours.  All other COVID-specific control measures within the school buidling will be discontinued.  If it is the desire of the parent, students will be allowed to wear a mask within the school setting.  These changes will help to keep students in the classroom and allow district staff to provide the necessary supports.

We will continue to ask parents to monitor student health PRIOR to students returning to the school environment each day.  As was the practice prior to COVID, students who are ill shoudl remain home until fever free for 24 hours.  Parents are encouraged to contact the school office when their child is at home with an illness.

I am thankful to be at this point in the pandemic.  The last 2 years has been difficult for families, students, staff and the community.  The evolving situation and support of the school community has helped us reach this stage.  The diligent efforts of the parents, nurses, administrators, teachers and support staff have made this transition possible.

The Indiana Department of Health and the CDC have continued to revise the guidelines to mitigate the impacts of the pandemic.  The updated research and medical data has allowed the requirements to evolve over the last 2 years.  Recent data has shown that many of the previous mitigation strategies are no longer necessary.  At this time, the negative impacts on students greatly outweights the benefits of the strategies.  We will continue to work collaboratively with the Noble County Department of Health and the Indiana Department of Health to monitor this ever-changing situation.  If you have questions about the changes outlines above, please contact the building or district administration.

Thank you for your continued support of Central Noble Community Schools.

Troy Gaff
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Temporary Closure

CN Families:
As a result of the significant number of positive cases and quarantines now across the district, Central Noble Schools will be conducting E-learning for ALL school buildings from Wednesday, January 19th through Friday, January 21st. We will be returning to in-person instruction on Monday, January 24.
This is a difficult decision to make because we know that in-person instruction best meets the needs of the students. Please contact your student's classroom teachers or the building administration if you have questions about E-learning activities. Athletics and extra-curricular events will continue at this time. Please continue to monitor the health of your child. If your child shows symptoms of illness, please contact your family health care provider and keep them out of the school building throughout the closure.
This afternoon, Central Noble Food Service Department will be sending information about the distribution of meal packs during the closure.
Thank you for your continued support of Central Noble Schools during this challenging time.
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Meal Packs to be Distributed for eLearning Day

CN Food Service will be providing a breakfast and lunch for any students who would like it for the Thursday, September 16 scheduled eLearning day.  Meals will be distributed at the end of the school day on September 15th as follows:
*Jr/Sr High at either Door 1 or the Cafeteria as students dismiss for the day
*CN Primary & Elementary will be delivered to the students classrooms at the end of the day
Breakfast: Cream Cheese Bagel, Apple & Milk
Lunch: Uncrustable, Fruit, Vegetable & Milk

While not required, if you could fill out the link below to help the Cafeteria's better plan for the meal distribution: https://forms.gle/hwQvRBGSQWULbF9h6
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Water Testings Results

Annual water sample results are posted on the bulletin board between the front doors at door 1. Results from the annual testing fell within the acceptable range for all categories. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Tim Hollis at 1-260-636-2175.
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Quarantine Update

Quarantine Update 9-2-2021

Thank you for a great start to the school year. It is essential that the school corporation and the community continue to work together to address the ever-changing needs of our students. Throughout the COVID pandemic, Central Noble has worked hard to continue to address the academic, physical and social needs of the students. Throughout the process we have continually looked to improve the quality and effectiveness of everything we do. The support of parents and the community has been critical in this process. Your continued support will help us progress toward the end of this pandemic.

Through the diligent efforts of the nursing staff, administrators, teachers, and support staff, we have been able to provide inperson instruction to our students. While quarantines are difficult for parents and families, they have helped to reduce the spread of COVID within the school environment. To maintain a mask optional environment, contact tracing and quarantines are mandated at this time. Please be reminded that this is not something that the school staff wants to do. Please treat the staff with respect and allow them to work with you to get the students back into the school setting as quickly as possible.

Central Noble continues to evaluate the guidance and recommendation of the state and local health department to determine if changes in current protocol need to be implemented. In a recent memo from the Indiana State Department of Health, Dr. Box authorized the use of clinically administered rapid antigen tests (BINAXNow) to determine quarantine and return to school. This change now allows families 3 options for early return. Early return is not an option for students with a COVID positive patient in their household.

**Day 8 Return (Rapid Test) – This option is available for students who are asymptomatic and do not live in the same household as a COVID positive patient. The BINAXNow antigen test must be administered on day 7 or after in a clinical setting such as a testing site, pharmacy, doctor's office, hospital, or clinic. Home tests may not be used.

**Day 8 Return (PCR) – This option is available for all quarantined students that do not have a COVID Positive patient in the same household. The PCR test must be administered on day 5 or after. All symptomatic students will be required to receive a negative PCR test to return early.

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Welcome Back to School

We are looking forward to students and families returning to the building next week.  Staff has been working hard to create a learning environment that is designed to meet the ever-changing needs of the students and the community.  We have implemented many curricular and facility changes to help enhance the educational experiences of the students.  Class lists and schedules for students can be accessed through the PowerSchool portal.  If you are unable to access the parent portal in PowerSchool, please contact the office staff at your child’s school. 

As we return next week, we will be mask optional for staff and students while in the building.  Due to a federal mandate on public transportation, masks are required on the school bus.  The administration and school board will continue to monitor state and local levels, while evaluating guidance from the CDC, the State Department of Health and the Noble County Department of Health to help inform decision making as we begin the school year.  Central Noble will be contact tracing school exposures and quarantining students who are deemed close contacts.  Quarantine requirements will be similar to last school year.  The biggest change is that vaccinated staff and students (proof required) will not be required to quarantine.   Please be reminded that the department of health mandates quarantines.  If you receive a phone call about quarantines form the nursing or administrative staff, please remember that they are not doing it because they want to, they are doing it because they have to in order to keep kids healthy and in school.  If you would like additional information about the current status of the pandemic, quarantine requirements, vaccines, or symptoms of COVID-19, please go to the Indiana State Department of Health web site at the link below.


If your child is ill, please keep them home.  It is important to keep school exposures to a minimum in order to continue in-person instruction.  If you have a question about whether or not your child should attend school, please keep them home and contact the school office during regular business hours.  Your support through this process appreciated.

Open houses are scheduled for Monday (JSHS - 4:30 to 6:30) and Tuesday (CN Elem and CN Primary – 4:30 to 6:30).  Please plan to make a visit to your child’s school.  Student devices will be distributed to students on the first day of school.  If you wish to purchase insurance on the device, you will be able to do so at the open house.  For families that are unable to attend the open house, there will be insurance paperwork sent home with students on Wednesday.  The insurance paperwork and payment will due back to the school by Friday, August 20.  If families need to make payment arrangements, please contact the school office.

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CN Moves to Messaging/Alerting System

We are proud to announce our transition to SwiftK12 for our new Messaging/Alerting system to families!!

SwiftK12 allows parents/guardians to control their own messaging preferences within their Powerschool Parent Portal.  Parents now have a tab within their account to manage their preferences and make changes real-time.  There is no longer a need to call into the school to update a phone number or email address or to be removed from text messaging and wait 24 hours for the change to take effect.  

This also encourages our families to utilized their Powerschool Parent Portal for more than just registration each year.  The portal contains vital information throughout the school and will eventually be the only way to access report cards for all grade levels.  Families can also view class schedules/teacher assignements, fees due and much more!!

The document below is a quick tutorial on how to manage messaging preferences.  We encourage you to take a look today!

We're excited about this transition and hope that it increases the lines of communication with our families!

pdf SwiftK12 Messaging Tutorial
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Open House & Orientation Dates

6th Grade Bootcamp
Friday, August 6
Lunch Served at 11am
Students should enter at Door 16 (Auditorium)
This is a student only event

New to CN Jr/Sr High Student Orientation
For any student grade 7-12 who is new to Central Noble
Friday, August 6
Lunch Served at 11am
Students should enter at Door 16 (Auditorium)
This is a student only event

Jr/Sr High Open House
Parents/Guardians welcome to attend with Students
Monday, August 9
Grades 6-8 please enter at Door 1
Grades 9-12 please enter at Door 14
*CN Tees will be available for purchase at the Guidance Office hallway

CN Primary & CN Elementary
Parents/Guardians welcome to attend with Students
Tuesday, August 10
*CN Tees will be available for purchase in the hallway near the main offices

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3910 Hits

Board Approves Wage Increases

At the July 20, 2021, the Central Noble School Board of Trustees approved the increase to base wages of Classified Instructional Staff and Substitutes.

Instructional & Media Assistant Staff will now have a starting wage for $12.00/hour, with a $.50 incentive for the Special Education classroom assignments.  In addition, the rate for substitute teachers was increased to $95/day and substitute instructional aides was increased to $11/hour. 

Additionally, the following starting wage increases were noted:
Clerical Assistants $12.25/hour
Clerical Asst./Building Treasurer $13.50/hour
Extra-Curricular Treasurer $15.00/hour

Anyone interested in applying can view current openings and download applications at: http://www.centralnoble.k12.in.us/cncsc/employment/employment-information

Central Noble Community School Corporation offers:
*Corporation Paid Contributions to Perf/TRF
*Corporation Paid Life Insurance Coverage
*Health Insurance start at $167/month
*Access to Free Employee Wellness Clinic
*Generous Leave Time Package
*Family Friendly Corporation & Staff
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3805 Hits

Summer Auction

CNCSC will be hosting an additional online auction of obsolete items beginning Friday, July 23 at 10am.  Please view the link below to take a look at the items avaialable and to create your account to bid.  The auction closes Sunday, August 1 at 5pm.  Full payment and pick up details are on the auction site.

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Central Noble encourages acceptance, tolerance, and respect for all students. When you feel hurt or bullied, visit our CN Cares Hotline page.

Corporation Office

  • 260-636-2175
  • 260-636-7918

Jr/Sr High

  • 260-636-2117
  • 260-636-2461


  • 260-636-7538
  • 260-636-7740


  • 260-635-2432
  • 260-635-2372

Central Noble encourages acceptance, tolerance, and respect for all students. When you feel hurt or bullied, visit our CN Cares Hotline page.