Central Noble
Jr/Sr High School
Upcoming Events
FAFSA Completion Night
Date 03.31.2025 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Archery Practice
03.31.2025 5:30 pm - 8:00 pm
Strategic Plan Staff Launch
04.01.2025 7:30 am - 9:00 am
1st Tuesday Staff Collaboration-2 Hour Delay
04.01.2025 10:00 am - 3:30 pm
  • Jr Sr Building
  • Cn Hs Image02
  • Art Dept Storage
  • Book Display Shelf Unit
  • Cnhs Mascot
  • Petting Zoo 2021
  • Cn Hs Image01
  • Music Quotation
  • Cn Hs Image05
  • Cymbal
  • Elec Piano Keyboard
  • Ffa Banner
  • Hs Gymnasium
  • Cn Hs Image03
  • Industrial Tech Room
  • Testing Books
  • Library Mascot
  • Library
  • Cn Hs Image04
  • Music Genres Table
  • Pinewood Derby Car
  • Trophy Case
School Menus
School Events
Cougar Athletics
Facilities Rental

Cat Tracks Newsletter Released

The 2021-2022 edition of the Cat Tracks newsletter is now live and viewable!!  The newsletter can be found by hovering over Info Center in the menu bar then selecting Cat Tracks Newsletter OR by clicking the link below.

All CN Families are encouraged to read through the newsletter for vital information pertaining to the school year.  You'll find notes from Superintendent Gaff on re-opening, information on our new messaging system and calendar, supply lists and tech agreements and so much more!!  Most importantly, it's your hub for open house and orientation schedules (note that those dates are also on the upcoming events schedule at the top of the homepage).

The newsletter is available throughout the school year and most of the information can also be found in other pages throughout the Central Noble website.

If you have any questions, you can reach out to the Central Office at 260-636-2175 for guidance on who to speak with.

We can't wait to have you back!

The Cat Tracks newsletter is now available! Check out the link below for vital information for the new school year like our reopening, new messaging system, open houses and more!!
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Registration Deadline Approaching

Online Registration for the 2021-2022 school year closes on Wednesday, July 21.  Parents/Guardians should log into their parent portal via www.centralnoble.powerschool.com/public ASAP to complete the student registration.  Please note that registration is NOT available via the app.

We encourage families to write down and keep their portal information handy.  The portal is used not only for registration, but for accessing grades, lunch and textbook balances and more thorughout the school year.  Coming soon, families will also be able to manage their messaging preferences.

If assistance is needed in completing the registration, two open lab dates are available at the Central Office Board Room.  Please view details on how the lab works, by clicking Registration under the Info Center tab.

July 19th from 1-6pm
July 21st from 730am-1230pm

If any additional assistance is needed in accessing your account, please call the Central Office at 260-636-2175 and ask for Registration Help OR email registration@centralnoble.k12.in.us.

We look forward to seeing you in August!
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Work Permits

Beginning July 1, 2021, the school will no longer issue Work Permits to student workers.  On that date, it will now become an employer responsibility to report to the State via a new system.  For more information on what that means as an employer or student worker, check out the following links:

Department of Labor Youth Workers site: https://www.in.gov/dol/youthemployment.htm

Media Release: https://www.in.gov/dol/files/NEWS%20RELEASE_NEW%20YOUTH%20EMPLOYMENT%20REQUIREMENT_FINAL.pdf

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2021-22 Supplies Lists Now Available

Supplies Lists for all grade levels are now available to begin your back to school shopping!!

Follows the links below to be taken to the document center for the printable PDF of each school's list:

CN Primary: http://www.centralnoble.k12.in.us/handouts-forms-flyers/wolf-lake-documents

CN Elementary: http://www.centralnoble.k12.in.us/handouts-forms-flyers/albion-elementary-documents

CN Jr/Sr High: http://www.centralnoble.k12.in.us/handouts-forms-flyers/central-noble-jr-sr-high-school-documents

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4294 Hits

Summer Hours Begin!

Central Office (200 E. Main St.) will begin their summer hour schedule June 7, 2021.  Hours will be Monday-Thursday, 7am-4pm and Friday's 7am-1pm through Friday, July 30.  

Hours will return to 7am-4pm Monday-Friday on Monday, August 2

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Graduation 2021 goes Live

Central Noble Class of 2021 Graduation will be held Friday, June 4 at the Main Gym will be available for viewing by the public.  Click the link below to follow along and celebrate the class of 2021.

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CN Foodservice Offering Summer Meals

CN Foodservice is happy to announce it will again be offering it's summer meal program beginning June 2.  

Distribution will be at Door 1 of the Jr/Sr High each date from 1-330pm.

The first date is Wednesday, June 2 and then every Tuesday of the week (starting June 8) through July 27, where families will receive a 5 day meal pack per child.

Families are encourage to fill out the Google Form (link below) for planning purposes.

Any questions regarding the program can be sent to:

Zac Denney, FoodService Director
260-636-2175 ext. 7051

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2021-2022 Registration is Open!!

The registration window for the 2021-2022 School year is now Open!

Students may be registered via Powerschool from now through July 21. Open Labs will be offered twice in July to accommodate those who need assistance or may not have internet access.  Class lists, bus routes and other vital information is prepared from registration so completing it on time is crucial!

Follow the link below for further details:
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Ott Scholarship Submission Date Extended

The due date for Ott Scholarship submissions has been extended to Wednesday, April 14 at 11:59pm.  

Please use the Google Form link below to submit your application:


Please direct any questions to Mr. Leffers in the Guidance Office.
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Ott Scholarship Now Available!

The 2021 Ott Scholarship application window is now open!

Current seniors in good standing to graduate in June 2021 as well as previous winners (within their first 4 years of undergraduate studies) are eligible to apply.  Digital applications, which must be accompanied by the FAFSA submission, are due no later than 1159pm on Monday, April 12.

Any questions regarding the scholarship should be directed to Mr. Leffers in the Guidance Office.

Students can follow this link to apply: https://forms.gle/YFkvMWnhp5Y6GRzeA
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3168 Hits

Kindergarten Roundup Dates Announced

The age requirement for new K students is age 5 by August 1.  Please direct any questions about Round up to the Central Noble Primary office at 260-635-2432.

Kindergarten Round Up 2021
Central Noble Primary School
1283 S. Main St., Wolf Lake

Wednesday, April 21 5-7pm
Thursday, April 22 9-11am

Please bring the following for all students:
*Legal Birth Certificate
*Social Security Number
*Immunization Records
*Proof of Residency
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2741 Hits

CN Going Virtual 12/14/2020

December 10, 2020

Thank you for your continued support of Central Noble Schools. This year has been difficult for students, staff, parents, and families. Over the past several weeks, Central Noble has worked hard to provide quality instruction in a safe and caring learning environment. The staff and administrators continue to strive to provide in-person options for students. Throughout this time, we have been forced to utilize short-term closures in all or part of the buildings due to the inability to provide sufficient staffing.

Over the past several days, Central Noble has had several additional staff members and students quarantined due to contact tracing. The number of positive cases within the school building remains low. Please continue to practice good hygiene, social distance where possible, and wear a mask where not possible. Also, please continue to pre-screen your students before they arrive at school or participate in activities outside of the school. If you have questions about your child’s health, please contact the school nurse or your health care provider. Please be reminded that the school nurses are working hard to implement the contact tracing and quarantine protocols that are being handed down by the district administration, as well as, the county and state health department. This is a difficult job and I ask for your grace and support as they work through the process. This is not something that they want to do, but rather something they have been required to do. Please keep this in mind as we continue through the school year. They are working very hard to keep your child safe and the school buildings open.

Last week, the CDC and the ISDH provided quarantine options for staff and students to return to school after a shortened quarantine and/or a negative test. At this time, under the recommendation of Dr. Gaff, we have not implemented the new quarantine options. There are logistical stipulations tied to implementation that would add additional responsibilities to building staff, as well as mask and social distancing requirements for the person returning. We have hopes of implementing the new procedures as we return in January.

Unfortunately, the significant number of staff quarantines continues to make it difficult to provide quality instruction within a safe environment. At this time, I must announce that Central Noble Schools will move to distance learning for all students for the final week of the semester, Monday, December 14 through Friday, December 18. The intent is to return to in-person instruction on Monday, January 4. Tomorrow, the teaching staff will send home the necessary resources for students to complete the at-home instruction. Each building will communicate student expectations to families. It is critical that students complete assignments and assessments in a timely manner as we work to finalize grades for quarter 1.

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Temporary Closure at the Jr/Sr High Building

December 2, 2020

Central Noble Schools continues to work hard to provide quality instruction in a safe learning environment.  District administration continually monitors staffing to ensure that we can meet the ever-changing needs of our students, staff, and community. At this time, the significant number of staff quarantines at the Junior-Senior High building will require us to move to Virtual Learning for Thursday, December 3, and Friday, December 4. The move to virtual will be for Junior and Senior High School students only. Additional information will be sent out by the administration later today. Elementary and primary students will continue to attend classes in the traditional setting.

Building Access for Connectivity and Support
The Junior-Senior High building will remain open for all non-quarantined students who do not have internet connectivity at home, do not have sufficient parental support at home during the school day, or need additional help within the classroom setting. All non-quarantined staff member will be present in the school building throughout the day to provide supervision and support.

Food Service
Lunch will be served to the students who choose to come to the school setting. A link will be sent out this afternoon through social media and the corporation web site if Junior-Senior High parents would like to schedule a pick-up for carry-out school lunch packs.

Impact and Extra-Curricular Activities
Impact students are expected to attend classes as usual. Transportation will be provided to and from Impact.

All extra-curricular events and practices will continue as scheduled.

Bus routes will run on the normal schedule for all primary/elementary students and any junior senior high students that will be utilizing the school facilities. Junior-Senior High Students who choose to utilize the school building for Internet access or support should report to the cafeteria. 

This is a temporary closure of the Junior-Senior High building only. It is the intent of the district to return all students to the traditional setting on Monday, December 7. If you have questions about this closure, please contact the district or building administration.

Thank you for the continued support of Central Noble Schools.

Troy Gaff


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Central Noble encourages acceptance, tolerance, and respect for all students. When you feel hurt or bullied, visit our CN Cares Hotline page.

Corporation Office

  • 260-636-2175
  • 260-636-7918

Jr/Sr High

  • 260-636-2117
  • 260-636-2461


  • 260-636-7538
  • 260-636-7740


  • 260-635-2432
  • 260-635-2372

Central Noble encourages acceptance, tolerance, and respect for all students. When you feel hurt or bullied, visit our CN Cares Hotline page.